Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2020

Asking And Giving Opinion

Situation: Full Day School

Bin: Hi Tang! What are you doing?
Tang: I'm reading a newspaper
Bin: any good news?
Tang: i've just read about full day school
Bin: so what  your opinion about that
Tang: in my view,it is useful for indonesian education development. Because if school time is extended until 4 or 5 PM, students can learn more. So,indonesia's educational rangking in the world can be increased
Bin: Do you think like that? But how about the students? Don't you think it is too boring for them? In school all day
Tang: No,if the teacher can bring class situation more fun, giving them exciting activities, so the student will enjoy their day in the school
Bin: i think you're right

Kamis, 16 Juli 2020



Dave          : Hey Bintang, what did you get at the exam?

Bintang     : Hey Dave, i got A.

Dave          : As expected from a smart  student! I onlygot  D. I really want to improve my grade.

Bintang     : You probably should study harder.

Dave          : I don't know. I always get bad grade although i study harder.

Bintang      : Hey, why don't we study together? That way i can help you out.

Dave           : Good idea! im in

Minggu, 26 Januari 2020

Long time ago, there was a prince that so in love with the beautiful woman named Dayang Sumbi. The prince was changed into a dog named Tumang after marrying Dayang Sumbi and had a son named Sangkuriang. Sangkuriang often went to hunt with Tumang. He did know that Tumang was his father.

One day, Sangkuriang met a deer in the forest, He remembered that his mother really liked the heart of a deer. He shot the deer but he missed. He got really disappointed. Then he shot Tumang and got his heart and brought it to his mother. Dayang Sumbi was very happy until she asked him where Tumang was. Sangkuriang told the truth that it was Tumang’s heart. Dayang Sumbi got angry and hit Sangkuriang’s forehead. Sangkuriang left the house.

Dayang Sumbi was praying to the God for having the eternal beauty. The God gave what her wish for. After that she met the mature Sangkuriang and they loved each other. They decided to get married. Dayang Sumbi asked about the Sangkuriang’s scar in his forehead. He answered that he was hit by his mother. Dayang Sumbi was shocked and told him that she was his mother.

Sangkuriang did not believe her. Then Dayang Sumbi agreed that they were still husband and wife with one condition. Sangkuriang had to make a big boat in a night. Sangkuriang said that he was able to do that. However, Dayang Sumbi made the chicken crowing. It was the sign that Sangkuriang run of the time. Sangkuriang was so mad and kicked the boat. The boat was known as Gunung Tangkupan Perahu

Minggu, 12 Januari 2020


Last semester holiday,we didn't go anywhere,my sister and I spent our holiday at was so boring and  hot but we didn't have any mom and my dad were busy with their work,I can say my semester holiday was a simple holiday. i was  mostly at home for doing my hobby such as play games,our visiting friends house.

I remember a week before holiday over ,my cousins were visiting us and staying with us for two nights.we did things fun together walked and cycled around the town,swimming or just watched our favorite movie,the movie is star wars rise of skywalker

Those days were the most exciting days for us, although we only spent our holiday at home.

Minggu, 22 September 2019


Although I did not go anywhere with my family during holiday, my parents made many fun activities for me and my brother. The first day of holiday we made cookies for eid al-fitr. We made three cookies; kastengel, putri salju, and nastar. We started at 9 a.m. I was in charge of measuring the ingredients and my brother was in charge of preparing the ingredients. The first cookies we made was kastengel. The ingredients were only flour, eggs, sugar, butter, and cheese. My mother put the ingredients one by one into a mixer. After the ingredients were mixed well, we formed the dough into small. We also added a lot of cheese on top of the dough to make it tastier. After that, my mother put the baking sheet filled with the small logs into oven. While we were waiting, we prepared the ingredients for putri salju and nastar. The cookies smelled so good I couldn’t wait until iftar. After we finished making three cookies, we prepared food for iftar. At 05:50 P.M, we had iftar. The cookies we made tasted delicious. I almost ate one jar by myself.